JavaScript ES6/ES2015 feature
25 Jul 2017 | Front-end JavaScript-
<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>
let keywrod. it only visible for the block it was created
if(true){ var username = "xy"; let cntr = 0; } document.write(cntr);
for(let i=0;...){ //use let here }
- const keyword, can not be changed after definde
const ORG = "xy"; const ORG = "xy"; document.write(ORG); //get an error: Identifier 'ORG' has already been declared
a new syntax
var arr = ['ar','xy','hi']; //var username = arr[0]; var [username,org,place]= arr; document.write(username); //output: ar
function retData(){ var arr = ['ar','xy','hi']; return arr; }; var [username,org,place]= retData(); //we also can: var [ , ,place] = retData(); document.write(username);
var userObj = { fn:"x", ln:"y", pl:"nj" }; var { fn:fname, ln:lname, pl:place } = userObj; document.write(fname); document.write(lname); document.write(place); //output: xynj
default value of parameters
//given default value at below function abc(username="x",org="m"){ return 'un='+username+',org='+org; } var resp = abc(); //var resp = abc('newname',''newplace); document.write(resp);
arrow function
//old function add(x,y){ return x+y; } //new in es6 var add_new= (x,y)=>x+y; //or var add_new= (x,y)=>{ return x+y; } document.write(add_new(4,5));
using` back tic
function add(x,y){ // return "x:"+x+",y:"+y; //` here return `x:${x}`; } document.write(add(4,5));
create class
class user{ getData(){ return "xx"; } } var user1 = new user(); console.log(user1.getData());
constructor, child class, super, if we have constructor in child class, we must call super
class user{ //constructor constructor(username){ this.uname = username; } getData(){ return "hi"+this.uname; } } class emp extends user{ constructor(empCode,org){ super(org); this.emp_code = empCode; } getEmpCode(){ return "empcode:<br />"+this.emp_code; } getData(){ return super.getData(); } } //example before we have constructor in child class, we can use the code committed var user1 = new user("xyyy<br />"); // var emp1 = new emp("emmm<br />"); var emp2 = new emp("1<br />","emp2"); document.write(user1.getData()); // document.write(emp1.getData()); document.write(emp2.getEmpCode()); document.write(emp2.getData());
var set1 = new Set(), arr = ["1","2","3"], obj = {"un":"xy"}; set1.add("ar"); set1.add(arr); set1.add(obj); set1.has(obj); set1.forEach(function(value){ document.write(value+"<br />hi"); }); document.write(set1); document.write(set1.has(obj)); set1.clear(); document.write(set1.has(obj)); /...true, false
var map1 = new Map(); var obj = { "fn":"xy" }; map1.set("un","ar"); map1.set(obj,true); map1.forEach(function(value,key){ document.write("k:"+key+",v:"+value+"<br />"); }); console.log(map1); document.write(map1.get("un")); //output:k:un,v:ar-k:[object Object],v:true-ar
var promise1 = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ resolve('1'); }); var promise2 = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ reject('2'); }); var promise3 = new Promise(function(resolve,reject){ resolve('3'); }); Promise.all([promise1,promise2,promise3]).then(function(data){ console.log(data); }, function(err){ console.log(err); }); //output:["1","2","3"](when all resolve) //output:2, when as above, promise2: reject //output:1, when Promise.all-->Promise.race
import module
//index.html <script type = "module" src="script.js"></script> //script.js import {abc, user_arr, user} from './mod.js'; document.write(user.fn); //or use this: import * as moduleContent from './mod.js'; document.write(moduleContent.user.fn); //mod.js export function abc(){ return 'hello'; } export var user_arr = ['ar','na']; export var user = { fn:"x", ln:"y", pl:"nj" } //or export everything in one line export {abc, user_arr, user}
arguments, advanced arguments
// import * as moduleContent from './mod.js'; // document.write(moduleContent.user.fn); function abc2(...args){ console.log("2:"+args); } function abc1(){ console.log("1:"+arguments); } function abc3(...[username,org]){ console.log("3:"+username+","+org); } function abc4(para1,phone,...[username,org]){ console.log("4:"+username+","+phone); } abc1("1","2"); abc2("1","2"); abc3("1","2","3"); abc4("ar","ma","pi","99"); var arr = ["010","020"]; var newa = ["1",...arr,"2"]; console.log(newa);