Work History
ApplySquare Technology Co.,Ltd
Back-End Web Developer (Intern)
(2016.05 - 2016.08) | BEIJING, CHINA
Coded and developed new solutions and maintained existing program code in GoLang. Provided technical support during design and code reviews for functional changes with technologies including: CouchDB, Docker, AWS, etc. Accomplished essential Unit Test.
- Constructed a log system, implemented key functions including: user’s behavior collection, local logs archive, and synchronization on AWS S3. Improved the performance by log file compression and concurrency writing.
- Designed a web application to query raw JSON files for Data Analysis Team. Developed the front-end by Haml, CSS, JavaScript, back-end by GoLang and ApacheDrill. Implemented functionality of front-end query by building handlers with RESTful APIs. Utilized CouchDB to accomplish storage of query logging.
- Developed an effective tool to dump files remotely among CouchDB, local files and S3(AWS). Maintained the archives with no redundant files.
Stock Assistant Project
5-People Group
(2016.01 - 2016.05) | NJ, USA
Designed test process to ensure correctness, stability and compatibility of the website. Tracked the outcomes and adjust the process to meet the expectation.
- Wrote test plans based on the analysis of requirement documents and Use Cases for each project.
- Designed valid test cases independently and deployed test environment on VM through Nginx. Established connections among searchhub, openhub, and data center to test functions with Linux command and Shell.
- Benchmarked the search results on webpage by evaluating the influence of corner use cases. Participated in Load Testing and Stress Testing to evaluate stability of the website under extreme workload using automatic tools and scripts.
Handwriting Digit Recognition Project
5-People Group
(2016.01 - 2016.05) | NJ, USA
Focused on the difference between Convolutional and Spiking Neural Networks; implemented SNN to recognize handwriting numbers, and completed part of CNN to do the same job; Analysed each of these methods performance and adjust some parameters for comparison and found out many parameters (like learning rate) and techniques (like dropout) strongly influenced the accuracy.
Sogou Company
(2014 - 2015) | BEIJING, CHINA
I worked for the website My test job need to design test cases; run the test cases with proper nginx and resin; also write some automatic scripts for testing until the front-end of the website works well. During the half year I worked there. I learn lots of Linux and Front-end technics. such as HTML/CSS/JS; XML/XSD/XSL/XSLT.
Beijing DaShengZhiXing Technology Ltd
(2014 - 2014) | BEIJING, CHINA
As a consulting my resposibility is to ommunicate with clients to solve their problems about our product.I learned a lot of database(of clients) management and SQL. Also our group got the top2 bonus and won my own bonus as an excellent fresher.
Oracle (Intern-group work inside of college)
(2013 - 2014) | TIANJIN, CHINA
Our group designed and Set up a frame relay network for a industry factory. Learned how to set routers and contact them with OSPF/RIP such network protocols. Out group got 93/100 (average) in Enterprise Project Practice1-5 at last, which is really a great grades.
Education History
Rutgers-New Brunswick
Master, Computer Science
(2015 - 2017) | NJ, USA
Coursework : Algorithms and Data Structures; Operating System; Computer Security; Fundamental of Software Testing; Software Engineering of Web Applications; Introduction to AI; Numerical Analysis; Regression Analysis; Brain Science (Seminar).
Tianjin Polytechnic University
Bachelor, Network Engineering
(2010 - 2014) | TIANJIN, CHINA
Coursework : C Programming Language; Java Programming Language; Operating Systems; Data Structure; ASP.NET Programming; Object-orient Programming(java); Principle of Databases; Computer Architecture...GPA 83 of 100;(93 in practice training and top 8% (8th/98) in the latest three years).
Programming Skills
Language Skills
- NativeChinese
- ProfessionalEnglish
- LimitJapanese