12 Mar 2017 | Front-end JavaScript Coursera CSScourse link 算是入门笔记,每周更 H5
大概念 HTML structure CSS style js behavior
WEEK1 HTML annotates content defines document structure
3core web technologies:HTML CSS JS
- element name
` 3. attribute name id = "dd" attribute value 4. value in quote, quote should be closed correctly 5. semantic change 不能自己close自己了, ----> 6. browser render html sequentially(top-bottom) 7. H5 seven models 8. traditional models: block-level element(div): render to begin on new line by default; may contain inline or other block-level element/inline element(span): render on the same line; only contain other inline elements 9. headings 和div+css实现可以看到一样的效果但是作用不一样,seo会依据h1这些tag执行搜索什么的,H1 you should always have it there 10. 有语义的element比如`
11. list ul/ol (unorder list/order list) list for navigation
12. avoid rendering issues:
</>/& 如果想使用<>&要输入这些来防止当做html标记解析,
copyright shows the copyright symbol
/nbsp:(想把几个短语放在一起letcure7里讲到, 把这几个字符跟在一个单词后面,单词后面的空格就不能换行)
13. href relative links <\a> 是block-level也是inline flow content, H5: a标签可以surround在外面了,点击整个区域都可以跳转
14. target = _bland new tab/new window
15. fragment identifier
href = "#sections" 跳转到当前页的某处(jump to different parts of the same page),sections是某标签的id attribute的value
SPA single page application
16. image inline element 写上宽高,方便浏览器预留空间,chrome developer tools,network no throttling里可以调别的,就是模拟网速慢的时候
##Week2 CSS
box model css layout
1. an interesting website: cssszengarden/219
2. user experience of content matters
3. anatomy of a css rule
selector {
p {
4. selector: specifying the element name
class `className{}`
//pound sign, only can use once
html element
we can group selector, separate selector with comma
5. combining selector
1. `p.big{}`(element with class selector)
every p that has class = "big", no space!
2. `article > p`(direct child selector)
every p that is a **direct** child of article
3. `article p`(descendent selector)
every p that is inside(at any level) of article
4. `.class1.class2`(这里也是no space?)
select the element, who both have these two class
6. pseudo-class
selector: pseudo-class
//link can applied another style
a:link, a:visited{
a:hover, a:active{
header li:nth-child(3){
section div:nth-child(odd){
section div:nth-child(4):hover{
7. resolve conflict
1. simple rule: last declaration wins, (top to bottom, which the bottom declaration wins, external<internal declaration.)
2. even simple rule: declarations merge(different properties, merge to one)
8. specificity
inner element style>id>classname>numbers of element
header.navigation p{}>p.blurb{}
9. styling text
font-size:2em; twice as large as the font-size before 增长到当前的两倍
一种相对大小的设置,建议设置成绝对的,keep things consistant.
10. box model(important concept)
padding border margin
box-sizing:border-box 才表示整体,不然的话设置的宽高只是说content box,
注意! 不可以直接放在body里,因为not inherit 不继承,需要再加一个star class:*(universal selector)
//star means select every element
box-sizing:border-box ;
11. margin 左右的是相加,上下的是取大的(重叠)
12. 如果文档溢出了:overflow:scroll 加滚动条等方法
13. background: url() no-repeat right center;有很多属性的时候空格分隔就可以
14. float, browser moves the float element out of regular document flow流式布局
15. floats do not have vertical margin collapse
16. position absolute 是对最近的非静态的父级组件说的
absolute positioning is relative to closest ancestor which has positioning set to non-static value
17. @media设备的 (,=or) : basic/large/medium
do not overlap breakpoints
18. responsive design
19. bootstrap col-md-如果挪到手机,会保持原样,因为手机会按一个40%的比例缩放浏览器的东西,如果想按手机真实大小,需要在meta中加入一些viewpoint 描述:initial scale = 1,这样是多少px就是多少了
20. Bootstrap : framwork for developing responsive mobile first projects on the web
21. Grid of bootstrap
row// creat horizontal group of columns
1. Make sure what you are supposed to du with yout client.
2. Starting to build a website, design the mock up first not codeing right now
4. 通过之前安装的browser-sync查看网站,端口是3000,安装:`npm install -g browser-sync`
3. http://localhost:3001/,查看browser-sync的设置
进入放网站的文件夹,执行` browser-sync start --server --directory "*"`
>browser sync 配合ngrok可以把本地网页发给别人看,首先去网站目录下打开browser sync,再开一个终端窗口,去ngrok目录下(/Applications)执行./ngrok http 3000
5. 引入字体的时候要加入一个google font的链接,css中也需要加一句
6. 剩下笔记都记在代码里了,估计就不po了。。。
##Week 4 Javascript
1. terminal command: sublime *
open all file under the current directory using sublime
2. Javascript: single thread and execute line by line
3. definitions: var, no type
4. function funcname() {
you define a function with a function name is very similar that you define a variable and its value is a function
5. var variable = function (){}
no name need, refer the function as a.
the value of the function is assigned to variable not the return value(意思是用a的时候等于调用该function而不是用这个函数的返回值吧)
6. normal function : function a () {}
function invokation/function execution : a();
7. can defined arguments, argument is optional, no argument is legal for the function who needs arguments
8. global: available everywhere
aka lexical: depend on where it is physically defined. only within this function, no local scope, func can be in a fun and can use the outer function's argument
9. execute context:
function invocation creates a new execute context
its own variable environment
special this object
reference to its outer environment
9. scope chain works: find var level by level out
11. example shows
function is physically defined not where called
12. built-in type of JavaScript
13. object is a collection of name/value pairs
14. primitive type represents a single or a immutable value
single value not an object
immutable =constant,read -only
15. all primitive:
boolean: true/false
undefined: signifies that no value has ever been set
null: the lack of value, lack of definition
number: only numeric type in js
(no integer type)
string: ""/''
symbol: new to ES6
16. if (x==undefined) 如果x是undefined,要判断这种请款高就直接这么写
17. undefined, has been declared but no value has been placed at the memory place
not defined, has not been declared.
18. string concatenation
var string = "hello";
string +="world";
19. math operators
output: NaN(not a number)
20. equality
type coercion
x="4"equal to y=4
21. strict equality
=== type and value both equal
22. all false: false, null, "", 0, NaN, undefined
all true: true, "anystring", 1, -1
23. curly brace{}
24. return 后面会自动补齐分号(跟go一样),所以不要在return哪里为了好看重起一行写大括号就可以了
25. for的变量是全局的,(跟我之前看到只有function有local scope的时候理解的一样,不过go和java都是以大括号为作用域,所以两个for都用i没问题,js不行)
26. if we do not set a value when we output it, the out put will be : (default value- )undefined
so we should set a default value:
sideDish = sideDish||"whatever!"
the whatever here is the default value.
27. 或,与运算 运算结果是true的那部分,
或运算, 都是false,输出后一个: false
与运算, 都是true,输出后一个: "world"
"world"&& false
与运算,一个false, 输出false项:false
28. object
var company = new Object(); = "fb"; = "hh"; 会报错,因为firstname前面必须是一个已经穿件了的object
在这句前加上 = new Object();
company.$stock = 110;
company["stock of company"] = 110;
29. simplier way to create object
var facebook = {
// "stock of it":110也可以,如果想用这种字符串来当做属性名的话
30. functions in js are objects
functionName.version ="v1.0"
console.log(functionName) 会输出整个function的代码。。。
31. lecture 46有个变态例子
// Functions are First-Class Data Types
// Functions ARE objects
function multiply(x, y) {
return x * y;
multiply.version = "v.1.0.0";
// Function factory
function makeMultiplier(multiplier) {
var myFunc = function (x) {
return multiplier * x;
return myFunc;
var multiplyBy3 = makeMultiplier(3);
var doubleAll = makeMultiplier(2);
// Passing functions as arguments
function doOperationOn(x, operation) {
return operation(x);
var result = doOperationOn(5, multiplyBy3);
result = doOperationOn(100, doubleAll);
32. b=a copying or passing 改变新值不影响原值
primitives passed by value ,objects are passed by reference
33. this
function constructors命名可以大写来表示该function是个constructor
34. var v = {//=new objectName();
invoke function==call function
35. closures
##Week 4 Javascript
1. DOM
document object model
2. script在页首的时候会有获取不到html元素的问题,解决方法第一是加一个监听listen for the page: window.onload
console.log(document instanceof HTMLDocument);
//output true
3. .value only for input element, `.textContent `, 给一个div加一些value,内容,但都是text
`.innerHTML = message;`如果message离含有html元素,比如`
4. document.querySelector("#title")
5. onblur 挡圈元素失去焦点的时候执行方法‘
6. document.querySelector("button").addEvehnListener("click",function)
document.querySelector("button").onclick = function(){
this.textContene = "new text";把某元素上原本的文本内容改变成新的
7. document.addEvehnListener("DOMContentLoader",function/event handler)这个方法会在css等之前调用,如果在js文件中加入了方法放在这个中,就不需要在html文件中添加引用了
8. URN: Uniform Resourve Name
URI: uniform resource identifier--indentifies resource or location of resure
URL: locater
9. 讲了get和post请求,很基础,总的来说就是get请求,请求内容在url或uri中,post请求在body中
10. Asynchronous, after reveive the instruction, it is ready to receive the next instruction. Execuate more than one instruction at a time by execuated in different process.
The actua execution is done in a separate thread or process
11. 在browser中,除了js engine之外还有很多,其中js engine是synchronize的,但http requesteor 就是asynchronous的
12. ajax用一个特殊object 去找http requestor,还传递过去了js中对应handler的地址用以处理返回的内容
13. js中的selector
14. ajax:一个生产load gif的网站
15. 餐厅网站后台数据,ruby写的
16. CORS:Cross-Origin resource sharing
17. developer-tool -> network ->刷新, 左边会有.json文件点击,右侧的preview会用json的pretty形式显示
##English learning
1. in no time
2. scaffoding
3. drastic
4. bump up
5. verbosity
6. mitegate
7. bolated
8. minified
9. barebone
10. enpower
11. I will be more than happy to do ...
12. revise
13. budding 初露头角
14. hefty
15. designate
16. field trip
17. kosher
18. rewind
19. adjust to your own pace
20. strech
21. pint--quart
22. hefty
23. semicolon 分号
24. stepping stone
SPA single page application
16. image inline element 写上宽高,方便浏览器预留空间,chrome developer tools,network no throttling里可以调别的,就是模拟网速慢的时候
##Week2 CSS
box model css layout
1. an interesting website: cssszengarden/219
2. user experience of content matters
3. anatomy of a css rule
selector {
p {
4. selector: specifying the element name
class `className{}`
//pound sign, only can use once
html element
we can group selector, separate selector with comma
5. combining selector
1. `p.big{}`(element with class selector)
every p that has class = "big", no space!
2. `article > p`(direct child selector)
every p that is a **direct** child of article
3. `article p`(descendent selector)
every p that is inside(at any level) of article
4. `.class1.class2`(这里也是no space?)
select the element, who both have these two class
6. pseudo-class
selector: pseudo-class
//link can applied another style
a:link, a:visited{
a:hover, a:active{
header li:nth-child(3){
section div:nth-child(odd){
section div:nth-child(4):hover{
7. resolve conflict
1. simple rule: last declaration wins, (top to bottom, which the bottom declaration wins, external<internal declaration.)
2. even simple rule: declarations merge(different properties, merge to one)
8. specificity
inner element style>id>classname>numbers of element
header.navigation p{}>p.blurb{}
9. styling text
font-size:2em; twice as large as the font-size before 增长到当前的两倍
一种相对大小的设置,建议设置成绝对的,keep things consistant.
10. box model(important concept)
padding border margin
box-sizing:border-box 才表示整体,不然的话设置的宽高只是说content box,
注意! 不可以直接放在body里,因为not inherit 不继承,需要再加一个star class:*(universal selector)
//star means select every element
box-sizing:border-box ;
11. margin 左右的是相加,上下的是取大的(重叠)
12. 如果文档溢出了:overflow:scroll 加滚动条等方法
13. background: url() no-repeat right center;有很多属性的时候空格分隔就可以
14. float, browser moves the float element out of regular document flow流式布局
15. floats do not have vertical margin collapse
16. position absolute 是对最近的非静态的父级组件说的
absolute positioning is relative to closest ancestor which has positioning set to non-static value
17. @media设备的 (,=or) : basic/large/medium
do not overlap breakpoints
18. responsive design
19. bootstrap col-md-如果挪到手机,会保持原样,因为手机会按一个40%的比例缩放浏览器的东西,如果想按手机真实大小,需要在meta中加入一些viewpoint 描述:initial scale = 1,这样是多少px就是多少了
20. Bootstrap : framwork for developing responsive mobile first projects on the web
21. Grid of bootstrap
row// creat horizontal group of columns
1. Make sure what you are supposed to du with yout client.
2. Starting to build a website, design the mock up first not codeing right now
4. 通过之前安装的browser-sync查看网站,端口是3000,安装:`npm install -g browser-sync`
3. http://localhost:3001/,查看browser-sync的设置
进入放网站的文件夹,执行` browser-sync start --server --directory "*"`
>browser sync 配合ngrok可以把本地网页发给别人看,首先去网站目录下打开browser sync,再开一个终端窗口,去ngrok目录下(/Applications)执行./ngrok http 3000
5. 引入字体的时候要加入一个google font的链接,css中也需要加一句
6. 剩下笔记都记在代码里了,估计就不po了。。。
##Week 4 Javascript
1. terminal command: sublime *
open all file under the current directory using sublime
2. Javascript: single thread and execute line by line
3. definitions: var, no type
4. function funcname() {
you define a function with a function name is very similar that you define a variable and its value is a function
5. var variable = function (){}
no name need, refer the function as a.
the value of the function is assigned to variable not the return value(意思是用a的时候等于调用该function而不是用这个函数的返回值吧)
6. normal function : function a () {}
function invokation/function execution : a();
7. can defined arguments, argument is optional, no argument is legal for the function who needs arguments
8. global: available everywhere
aka lexical: depend on where it is physically defined. only within this function, no local scope, func can be in a fun and can use the outer function's argument
9. execute context:
function invocation creates a new execute context
its own variable environment
special this object
reference to its outer environment
9. scope chain works: find var level by level out
11. example shows
function is physically defined not where called
12. built-in type of JavaScript
13. object is a collection of name/value pairs
14. primitive type represents a single or a immutable value
single value not an object
immutable =constant,read -only
15. all primitive:
boolean: true/false
undefined: signifies that no value has ever been set
null: the lack of value, lack of definition
number: only numeric type in js
(no integer type)
string: ""/''
symbol: new to ES6
16. if (x==undefined) 如果x是undefined,要判断这种请款高就直接这么写
17. undefined, has been declared but no value has been placed at the memory place
not defined, has not been declared.
18. string concatenation
var string = "hello";
string +="world";
19. math operators
output: NaN(not a number)
20. equality
type coercion
x="4"equal to y=4
21. strict equality
=== type and value both equal
22. all false: false, null, "", 0, NaN, undefined
all true: true, "anystring", 1, -1
23. curly brace{}
24. return 后面会自动补齐分号(跟go一样),所以不要在return哪里为了好看重起一行写大括号就可以了
25. for的变量是全局的,(跟我之前看到只有function有local scope的时候理解的一样,不过go和java都是以大括号为作用域,所以两个for都用i没问题,js不行)
26. if we do not set a value when we output it, the out put will be : (default value- )undefined
so we should set a default value:
sideDish = sideDish||"whatever!"
the whatever here is the default value.
27. 或,与运算 运算结果是true的那部分,
或运算, 都是false,输出后一个: false
与运算, 都是true,输出后一个: "world"
"world"&& false
与运算,一个false, 输出false项:false
28. object
var company = new Object(); = "fb"; = "hh"; 会报错,因为firstname前面必须是一个已经穿件了的object
在这句前加上 = new Object();
company.$stock = 110;
company["stock of company"] = 110;
29. simplier way to create object
var facebook = {
// "stock of it":110也可以,如果想用这种字符串来当做属性名的话
30. functions in js are objects
functionName.version ="v1.0"
console.log(functionName) 会输出整个function的代码。。。
31. lecture 46有个变态例子
// Functions are First-Class Data Types
// Functions ARE objects
function multiply(x, y) {
return x * y;
multiply.version = "v.1.0.0";
// Function factory
function makeMultiplier(multiplier) {
var myFunc = function (x) {
return multiplier * x;
return myFunc;
var multiplyBy3 = makeMultiplier(3);
var doubleAll = makeMultiplier(2);
// Passing functions as arguments
function doOperationOn(x, operation) {
return operation(x);
var result = doOperationOn(5, multiplyBy3);
result = doOperationOn(100, doubleAll);
32. b=a copying or passing 改变新值不影响原值
primitives passed by value ,objects are passed by reference
33. this
function constructors命名可以大写来表示该function是个constructor
34. var v = {//=new objectName();
invoke function==call function
35. closures
##Week 4 Javascript
1. DOM
document object model
2. script在页首的时候会有获取不到html元素的问题,解决方法第一是加一个监听listen for the page: window.onload
console.log(document instanceof HTMLDocument);
//output true
3. .value only for input element, `.textContent `, 给一个div加一些value,内容,但都是text
`.innerHTML = message;`如果message离含有html元素,比如`
4. document.querySelector("#title")
5. onblur 挡圈元素失去焦点的时候执行方法‘
6. document.querySelector("button").addEvehnListener("click",function)
document.querySelector("button").onclick = function(){
this.textContene = "new text";把某元素上原本的文本内容改变成新的
7. document.addEvehnListener("DOMContentLoader",function/event handler)这个方法会在css等之前调用,如果在js文件中加入了方法放在这个中,就不需要在html文件中添加引用了
8. URN: Uniform Resourve Name
URI: uniform resource identifier--indentifies resource or location of resure
URL: locater
9. 讲了get和post请求,很基础,总的来说就是get请求,请求内容在url或uri中,post请求在body中
10. Asynchronous, after reveive the instruction, it is ready to receive the next instruction. Execuate more than one instruction at a time by execuated in different process.
The actua execution is done in a separate thread or process
11. 在browser中,除了js engine之外还有很多,其中js engine是synchronize的,但http requesteor 就是asynchronous的
12. ajax用一个特殊object 去找http requestor,还传递过去了js中对应handler的地址用以处理返回的内容
13. js中的selector
14. ajax:一个生产load gif的网站
15. 餐厅网站后台数据,ruby写的
16. CORS:Cross-Origin resource sharing
17. developer-tool -> network ->刷新, 左边会有.json文件点击,右侧的preview会用json的pretty形式显示
##English learning
1. in no time
2. scaffoding
3. drastic
4. bump up
5. verbosity
6. mitegate
7. bolated
8. minified
9. barebone
10. enpower
11. I will be more than happy to do ...
12. revise
13. budding 初露头角
14. hefty
15. designate
16. field trip
17. kosher
18. rewind
19. adjust to your own pace
20. strech
21. pint--quart
22. hefty
23. semicolon 分号
24. stepping stone
``` 9. styling text font-size:2em; twice as large as the font-size before 增长到当前的两倍 一种相对大小的设置,建议设置成绝对的,keep things consistant. 10. box model(important concept) padding border margin box-sizing:border-box 才表示整体,不然的话设置的宽高只是说content box, 注意! 不可以直接放在body里,因为not inherit 不继承,需要再加一个star class:*(universal selector) ``` *{ //修改默认设置需要写在*里 //star means select every element box-sizing:border-box ; } ``` 11. margin 左右的是相加,上下的是取大的(重叠) 12. 如果文档溢出了:overflow:scroll 加滚动条等方法 13. background: url() no-repeat right center;有很多属性的时候空格分隔就可以 14. float, browser moves the float element out of regular document flow流式布局 15. floats do not have vertical margin collapse 16. position absolute 是对最近的非静态的父级组件说的 absolute positioning is relative to closest ancestor which has positioning set to non-static value 17. @media设备的 (,=or) : basic/large/medium do not overlap breakpoints 18. responsive design 19. bootstrap col-md-如果挪到手机,会保持原样,因为手机会按一个40%的比例缩放浏览器的东西,如果想按手机真实大小,需要在meta中加入一些viewpoint 描述:initial scale = 1,这样是多少px就是多少了 20. Bootstrap : framwork for developing responsive mobile first projects on the web 21. Grid of bootstrap ``` container row// creat horizontal group of columns col-md-4// ``` ##Week 3 REAL WEBSITE 1. Make sure what you are supposed to du with yout client. 2. Starting to build a website, design the mock up first not codeing right now 4. 通过之前安装的browser-sync查看网站,端口是3000,安装:`npm install -g browser-sync` 3. http://localhost:3001/,查看browser-sync的设置 进入放网站的文件夹,执行` browser-sync start --server --directory "*"` >browser sync 配合ngrok可以把本地网页发给别人看,首先去网站目录下打开browser sync,再开一个终端窗口,去ngrok目录下(/Applications)执行./ngrok http 3000 5. 引入字体的时候要加入一个google font的链接,css中也需要加一句 6. 剩下笔记都记在代码里了,估计就不po了。。。 --- 因为midterm停课了一周还是两周。。。 ##Week 4 Javascript 1. terminal command: sublime * open all file under the current directory using sublime 2. Javascript: single thread and execute line by line 3. definitions: var, no type 4. function funcname() { } you define a function with a function name is very similar that you define a variable and its value is a function 5. var variable = function (){} no name need, refer the function as a. the value of the function is assigned to variable not the return value(意思是用a的时候等于调用该function而不是用这个函数的返回值吧) 6. normal function : function a () {} function invokation/function execution : a(); invocation 7. can defined arguments, argument is optional, no argument is legal for the function who needs arguments 8. global: available everywhere aka lexical: depend on where it is physically defined. only within this function, no local scope, func can be in a fun and can use the outer function's argument 9. execute context: function invocation creates a new execute context its own variable environment special this object reference to its outer environment 9. scope chain works: find var level by level out 11. example shows function is physically defined not where called 12. built-in type of JavaScript 13. object is a collection of name/value pairs 14. primitive type represents a single or a immutable value single value not an object immutable =constant,read -only 15. all primitive: boolean: true/false undefined: signifies that no value has ever been set null: the lack of value, lack of definition number: only numeric type in js (no integer type) string: ""/'' symbol: new to ES6 16. if (x==undefined) 如果x是undefined,要判断这种请款高就直接这么写 17. undefined, has been declared but no value has been placed at the memory place not defined, has not been declared. 18. string concatenation var string = "hello"; string +="world"; 19. math operators undefined/5 output: NaN(not a number) 20. equality type coercion x="4"equal to y=4 21. strict equality === type and value both equal 22. all false: false, null, "", 0, NaN, undefined all true: true, "anystring", 1, -1 boolean();可以判断传进去的东西是t还是f 23. curly brace{} 24. return 后面会自动补齐分号(跟go一样),所以不要在return哪里为了好看重起一行写大括号就可以了 25. for的变量是全局的,(跟我之前看到只有function有local scope的时候理解的一样,不过go和java都是以大括号为作用域,所以两个for都用i没问题,js不行) 26. if we do not set a value when we output it, the out put will be : (default value- )undefined so we should set a default value: sideDish = sideDish||"whatever!" the whatever here is the default value. 27. 或,与运算 运算结果是true的那部分, false||"hello" 或运算,一个true,输出true的部分:"hello" "hello"||"world" 或运算,两个true,输出第一个true:“hello” ""||false 或运算, 都是false,输出后一个: false "hello"&&"world" 与运算, 都是true,输出后一个: "world" ""&&false 与运算,都false,输出前一项:"" "world"&& false 与运算,一个false, 输出false项:false 28. object var company = new Object(); = "fb"; = "hh"; 会报错,因为firstname前面必须是一个已经穿件了的object 在这句前加上 = new Object(); company["name"] company.$stock = 110; company["stock of company"] = 110; 属性名可以加空格了 29. simplier way to create object ``` var facebook = { name:"facebook", ceo:{ firstname:"mark", }, $stock:110 // "stock of it":110也可以,如果想用这种字符串来当做属性名的话 }; ``` 大括号前最后一项可以不要comma (王老师补充:js是面向原型的proto,不是object) 30. functions in js are objects functionName.version ="v1.0" console.log(functionName) 会输出整个function的代码。。。 31. lecture 46有个变态例子 ``` // Functions are First-Class Data Types // Functions ARE objects function multiply(x, y) { return x * y; } multiply.version = "v.1.0.0"; console.log(multiply.version); // Function factory function makeMultiplier(multiplier) { var myFunc = function (x) { return multiplier * x; }; return myFunc; } var multiplyBy3 = makeMultiplier(3); console.log(multiplyBy3(10)); var doubleAll = makeMultiplier(2); console.log(doubleAll(100)); // Passing functions as arguments function doOperationOn(x, operation) { return operation(x); } var result = doOperationOn(5, multiplyBy3); console.log(result); result = doOperationOn(100, doubleAll); console.log(result); ``` 32. b=a copying or passing 改变新值不影响原值 primitives passed by value ,objects are passed by reference 33. this function constructors命名可以大写来表示该function是个constructor Circle.prototype.getArea= 要放在全局,不要放在里面,放在里面会做重复工作 34. var v = {//=new objectName(); } invoke function==call function 注意this指代,如果上面的var里又一个函数里有this,可能会指到Window,可以创建self,新变量或者用箭头函数-> 35. closures ##Week 4 Javascript 1. DOM document object model 2. script在页首的时候会有获取不到html元素的问题,解决方法第一是加一个监听listen for the page: window.onload 第二个方法是吧script放在页尾 console.log(document instanceof HTMLDocument); //output true 3. .value only for input element, `.textContent `, 给一个div加一些value,内容,但都是text `.innerHTML = message;`如果message离含有html元素,比如`